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Posters on Monday, May 27
Arctic Lake Ice Properties Investigation using Ground Penetrating Radar
Rodrigo Corrêa Rangel,University of Toronto
Bias-Correction of ERA5-Land Permafrost Soil Temperatures Using Machine Learning
Tyler Herrington,University of Waterloo
Challenges with quantifying streamflow response to afforestation: A case study from Sudbury, Ontario
Danielle Hudson,Canadian Forest Service
Downstream propagation of harvesting effects on stream water quality in a temperate hardwood forest
Jason Leach,Canadian Forest Service
Estimating the fraction of young water in streamflow in mesoscale Precambrian Shield catchments in Northeastern, ON, CA.
Festus Eebo,Nipissing University
Hydrological droughts are not always widespread across the entire stream network in cold, humid catchments
Gabriel Bastien-Beaudet,Université du Québec en Outaouais
Ocean-groundwater-pond interactions on Sable Island revealed through in-situ monitoring and satellite imagery
Barret Kurylyk,Dalhousie University
Opportunistic Formation on a Reclaimed Demonstration Pit Lake Upland
Kayla Linden,University of Waterloo
Permafrost Groundwater in Tibet
Shemin Ge,University of Colorado Boulder
Snow cover heterogeneity and its impact on the Climate and Carbon cycle of Arctic regions
Mickael Lalande,UQTR / RIVE / GLACIOLAB
Soil pore diameter in subsurface hydrology modelling
Hida Manns,University of Guelph
Spatiotemporal variability of runoff response to rain, rain-on-snow, and snowmelt events: Insights from the Lake Erie Basin
Genevieve Ali,McGill University
Susceptibility modelling of permafrost terrain disturbances in the Nacho Nyäk Tagé (Stewart River) watershed, Yukon.
Frederic Brieger,Carleton University
The impacts of meltwater influx on glacier dynamics and surging in the St. Elias Mountains
Jaime Dubé,University of Ottawa
The Ontario Lake and River Routing Product Version 2 (OLRRP V2)
Bryan A. Tolson,University of Waterloo
The relationship of snow phenology and lake ice thickness in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Lisa Marno,University of Toronto Mississauga
Understanding the determinants of water-use by temperate trees under drought conditions
Nia Perron,Université du Québec en Outaouais
Using a disdrometer network in eastern Canada to develop a probabilistic phase partitioning model
Alexis Bédard-Therrien,Université Laval
Application of HydroGeoSphere model to assess surface and subsurface water contributions to actual evapotranspiration in North Saskatchewan River Basin
Luis Carlos Serrano Diaz,University of Alberta
Determining the net greenhouse gas budget of corn production in Southwestern Ontario using long term flux measurements
Shannon E Brown,University of Guelph
Examining the relationship between precipitation and surface water dynamics in the Canadian Lake Erie Basin
Kathleen Reid,University of Guelph
Examining winter ecosystem productivity dynamics in an urban stormwater management pond
Hope Dettweiler,University of Toronto Mississauga
From budburst to bottle: evaluating the spatial variability of hydrometeorological controls in two Canadian vineyards
Jessica Williamson,University of Waterloo
Modeling hydrology and nutrient cycling for assessment of environmentally-informed virtual water tarde in Canadian Prairies
Monireh Faramarzi,University of Alberta
Sulfate additive studies to reduce methane emissions from livestock manure
Filipe Matos Pereira Lima,Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
An improved crustal velocity model for Canada incorporating geophysical model constraints
K. Simon,Canadian Geodetic Survey
Computing first-arrival time fields and earthquake locations using neural networks
John Fitzgerald,Queen's University
Fill gaps and separate Solar quiet and disturbance signals in geomagnetic records using Principal Components Analysis
Qingmou LI,Natural Resources Canada
Multistage Lithospheric Drips Driving Topographic Evolution in Central Anatolia
Julia Andersen,University of Toronto
Optimizing geophysical network infrastructures using a multi-discipline station approach
Ted Somerville,Nanometrics Inc.
Pseudo-pole-pole electrical resistivity arrays
Samuel Butler,University of Saskatchean
Advancements in Gravity Datasets from the Canadian Gravimetric Geoid2013a to Geoid2022 beta
Ismael Foroughi,Natural Resources Canada
Estimating the volume of slow-moving landslides in northern Canada using DInSAR-derived 2D and constrained 3D deformation rates.
Sergey Samsonov,Natural Resources Canada
Ground deformation caused by natural resource extraction in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Sergey Samsonov,Natural Resources Canada
Posters on Tuesday, May 28
An investigation of nutrient loading and C-Q relationships in association with changing land use and hydrological management in the Lake Winnipeg Basin
Noelle Starling,University of Waterloo - Ecohydrology Research Group
A Regional Examination Of The Footprint Of Agriculture And Urban Cover On Stream Water Quality
Catherine Eimers,Trent University
Beyond Phosphorus: Salinization amplifies eutrophication symptoms in urban lakes of North America
Jovana Radosavljevic,Ecohydrology Research Group, University of Waterloo
Chloride concentration dynamics in pool-breeding amphibian habitats in the Greater Toronto Area
Calder Stark,Toronto Metropolitan University
Controls on the variability of soil phosphorus fractions in boreal forested watersheds
Nora Casson,University of Winnipeg
Ecohydrological controls on the resilience of snake overwintering habitat: Implications for climate change
Rachel Fallas,McMaster University
Effect of peat burn severity on peatland DOC concentration and DOM composition exported following wildfire.
Alexandra Clark,McMaster University
Examining the effects of tropical cyclones on coastal aquifers using diatom microfossils
Katelyn Mountjoy,McMaster University
Geospatial Variability of Soil Biogeophysical Properties in a Temperate Forested Canadian Shield Landscape: Implications for Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes
E. Isadora Falkson,University of Toronto
Greenhouse gas emissions from pothole wetlands and agricultural reservoirs and their drivers
Ana Alvarez Caiza,University of Saskatchewan
Hydrological Responses of boreal headwater catchments to annual and seasonal water variability
Helia Kamel,Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador
Improving the lateral flow process in the CLASSIC model
Ala Bahrami,Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan
Local factors and sources affecting stream chloride concentrations in the Toronto region
Claire Oswald,Toronto Metropolitan University
Mercury Transportation and Storage in Unburned and Burned Precambrian Shield Bedrock Peatlands
Kyle Pawson,Nipissing University
Moss recovery and moisture stress following wildfire in Ontario’s Boreal Shield ecozone
Maia Moore,School of Earth, Environment & Society, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Moss recovery five years following wildfire in a peatland and rock barrens landscape
Rosanne Broyd,McMaster University, and UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology