Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations

Length of presentation:

Unless otherwise advised, oral presentations are 15 minutes in  duration, including questions. We strongly suggest that oral presentations be kept to 12 minutes in order to allow for questions and/or discussion. Speakers are primarily responsible for ensuring the timing of their talks and session chairs will ensure that presenters are strictly held to these time limits. Note that some invited and workshop speakers may be allotted different oral presentation durations.

Presentation format:

We ask that presenters use PowerPoint or convert their presentation to a PDF.  If videos are included please be aware that there is no audio available for videos in the breakout rooms. The aspect ratio of the screen is 16:9.

Be sure that the fonts you use, including those on figures, will be legible to the audience. A good point of reference is to test whether you are able to read everything on your own presentation from a 15-17” screen at a distance of ~1 m. Font sizes less than 18-20 point are not recommended.

Presentation Submission:

Presentations must be uploaded into the appropriate Dropbox folder by Friday, May 24th at midnight. Be sure to include your session and last name in your file name (e.g. C01_Smith)

Changes may be made onsite, please check in at the registration desk to do so.  

Upload your Biogeosciences presentation here

Upload your Geodesy presentation here

Upload your Hydrology presentation here

Upload your Solid Earth presentation here

Upload your CSAFM presentation here

Upload your EDI presentation here

Upload your plenary materials here

Event app: Eventmobi

Speakers will be sent a speaker link from eventmobi to upload their bio and add their photo to their profile if it was not included at the time of submitting the abstract.


If you need to make any changes to your oral presentation in eventmobi please email us at

Poster Presentations

Posters will be allotted their own afternoon sessions from 3:30pm - 5:00pm. Poster presenters must be by their poster during that time.

All posters must be posted to their assigned space (this will be communicated directly to presenters) by no later than 11:30 am on the day they are to be presented.  (Poster boards will be available after 10:00am on Monday, May 8th).

Poster specifications:

Poster displays will be limited to one side of a 4’ high by 7.5’ wide tack board. The recommended poster size is 3’ by 6.5’ in landscape orientation, but you are welcome to use other dimensions as long as they do not exceed the dimensions of the poster board. Please set up between 10:00 am and 11:30 am, and ensure they are posted by 11:30 am for attendees to view during the lunch break.

Tips for posters:


  • Titles, authors and institutional affiliations are listed
  • Include contact information including email and phone number
  • Logical sequence of information flow (left to right, and top to bottom)
  • Photographs, graphs, tables, and charts are used whenever possible to display data or convey important information
  • Each section is concise and clear
  • Content can be absorbed in 10 minutes or less


  • Poster meets the size restrictions 
  • Poster construction will accommodate method of display at the meeting (pinned)
  • The poster does not appear cluttered
  • Major headlines can be read from 3 to 5 feet away
  • Text and figures can be read from 2 to 3 feet away
  • Graphs and figures can be read from 2 to 3 feet away
  • Font is similar throughout (no more than three font sizes used for poster title, section title and text)
  • Color, lines, boxes, and arrows are used to emphasize important points

Event App:

We encourage you to upload an electronic copy of your poster to the Eventmobi app, to improve the visibility and level of engagement with your work. This will be available to all participants on a password protected site. You’ll receive a link to your virtual poster profile from eventmobi. You may update your abstract information, add a photo that is representative of your poster and upload either a pdf of your poster or a handout.