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Full NameCompany/OrganizationSpeaking At
Amr AbdallaUniversity of CalgaryEvaluation of Copper-Based Chemical Looping Air Separation Process
Sanaz DaneshmandjahromiUniversity of CalgaryPreparation of novel copper oxide oxygen carriers supported by Zr-shelled γ-alumina for methane chemical looping combustion
Paulo Latoh de SouzaUniversity of CalgaryAdvances in Carburization-based Chemical Looping Reforming
Bihter PadakUniversity of California IrvineEffect of Sulfur Dioxide on the Reactivity of Cu-Mn Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling
Effect of Nitrogen Oxide on the Reactivity of Cu-Mn Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling
Theodoros PapalasUniversity of Cambridge
Stuart ScottUniversity of CambridgeInvestigation of Kinetic Enhancement of Ca2Fe2O5 (C2F) by impregnating CuO, NiO, and CeO2
Chemical Looping Methane Pyrolysis and CO2 Utilisation Using Alkali Earth-Supported Fe-based Catalysts in a Fluidised Bed Reactor
Joseph GebersUniversity of CambridgeA chemical looping approach for the oxidative dehydrogenation of methanol
Mohammad SaghafifarUniversity of CambridgeA comparative analysis of different thermochemical electricity storage systems
Abu Farhan Bin Abu KasimUniversity of CambridgeOrchestrating propagation of heat and reaction fronts in a packed bed of SrFeO3-δ for energy storage applications
Kunlei LiuUniversity of KentuckyKeynote: Application of Chemical Looping for Direct Iron Production and Lithium Battery Recycle
A Fluidization Process for Metal Enrichment from End-of-Life Lithium-Ion Batteries
Christopher de LeeuweUniversity of ManchesterRECYCLE: REthinking low Carbon Hydrogen production by Chemcial Looping Reforming
Combining Ni and Fe to lower the cost and environmental impact of Chemical Looping Reforming of CH4
Ismaeel AliUniversity of Manchester2-Dimensional Experimental and Modelling Temperature Mapping for Oxidation and Reduction Cycles in Packed Bed Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR) for Low Carbon Hydrogen Production
Isabel Cristina Pazmino MayorgaUniversity of ManchesterHydrogen Production Via Chemical Looping: Modelling, Design and Techno-Economic Analysis
Santiago Daniel Zapata BoadaUniversity of ManchesterTechno-Economic Analysis of blast furnace gas utilisation with Calcium Assisted Steel-mill Off-gas Hydrogen production (CASOH) technology
Syed Zaheer AbbasUniversity of SouthamptonExperimental assessment of reverse water gas shift integrated with chemical looping for low-carbon fuel applications
Adnan AkhtarUniversity of SouthamptonSynthesis of novel bi-metallic doped LaNiO3 as an advanced hybrid oxygen carrier-sorbent for chemical looping carbon capture applications
Andrea StrazzoliniUniversity of UdineReactivity of dicalcium ferrite for fuel-assisted Chemical Looping Water Splitting under pressurized conditions
Enhanced oxygen carriers for chemical looping steam methane reforming prepared by physical mixing
Ranjani SiriwardaneU.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology LabConversion of biomass to H2 via chemical looping: Experimental evaluation of various wood feedstocks and thermodynamic integrated process analysis
Ramesh AgarwalWashington University in St. LouisInvestigation of force network characteristics in a moving bed CLC air reactor using the discrete element method
Ewelina KsepkoWroclaw University of Science and TechnologyEvaluation of effect of additions used to OCs during co-combustion of coal and biomass
Hard coal combustion through chemical looping using iron spinel-based materials
CLC a potential pathway to a net carbon dioxide neutrality applying ferrites and biomass