Amr Abdalla | University of Calgary | Evaluation of Copper-Based Chemical Looping Air Separation Process
Sanaz Daneshmandjahromi | University of Calgary | Preparation of novel copper oxide oxygen carriers supported by Zr-shelled γ-alumina for methane chemical looping combustion
Paulo Latoh de Souza | University of Calgary | Advances in Carburization-based Chemical Looping Reforming
Bihter Padak | University of California Irvine | Effect of Sulfur Dioxide on the Reactivity of Cu-Mn Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling Effect of Nitrogen Oxide on the Reactivity of Cu-Mn Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling
Theodoros Papalas | University of Cambridge | |
Stuart Scott | University of Cambridge | Investigation of Kinetic Enhancement of Ca2Fe2O5 (C2F) by impregnating CuO, NiO, and CeO2 Chemical Looping Methane Pyrolysis and CO2 Utilisation Using Alkali Earth-Supported Fe-based Catalysts in a Fluidised Bed Reactor
Joseph Gebers | University of Cambridge | A chemical looping approach for the oxidative dehydrogenation of methanol
Mohammad Saghafifar | University of Cambridge | A comparative analysis of different thermochemical electricity storage systems
Abu Farhan Bin Abu Kasim | University of Cambridge | Orchestrating propagation of heat and reaction fronts in a packed bed of SrFeO3-δ for energy storage applications
Kunlei Liu | University of Kentucky | Keynote: Application of Chemical Looping for Direct Iron Production and Lithium Battery Recycle A Fluidization Process for Metal Enrichment from End-of-Life Lithium-Ion Batteries
Christopher de Leeuwe | University of Manchester | RECYCLE: REthinking low Carbon Hydrogen production by Chemcial Looping Reforming Combining Ni and Fe to lower the cost and environmental impact of Chemical Looping Reforming of CH4
Ismaeel Ali | University of Manchester | 2-Dimensional Experimental and Modelling Temperature Mapping for Oxidation and Reduction Cycles in Packed Bed Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR) for Low Carbon Hydrogen Production
Isabel Cristina Pazmino Mayorga | University of Manchester | Hydrogen Production Via Chemical Looping: Modelling, Design and Techno-Economic Analysis
Santiago Daniel Zapata Boada | University of Manchester | Techno-Economic Analysis of blast furnace gas utilisation with Calcium Assisted Steel-mill Off-gas Hydrogen production (CASOH) technology
Syed Zaheer Abbas | University of Southampton | Experimental assessment of reverse water gas shift integrated with chemical looping for low-carbon fuel applications
Adnan Akhtar | University of Southampton | Synthesis of novel bi-metallic doped LaNiO3 as an advanced hybrid oxygen carrier-sorbent for chemical looping carbon capture applications
Andrea Strazzolini | University of Udine | Reactivity of dicalcium ferrite for fuel-assisted Chemical Looping Water Splitting under pressurized conditions Enhanced oxygen carriers for chemical looping steam methane reforming prepared by physical mixing
Ranjani Siriwardane | U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Lab | Conversion of biomass to H2 via chemical looping: Experimental evaluation of various wood feedstocks and thermodynamic integrated process analysis
Ramesh Agarwal | Washington University in St. Louis | Investigation of force network characteristics in a moving bed CLC air reactor using the discrete element method
Ewelina Ksepko | Wroclaw University of Science and Technology | Evaluation of effect of additions used to OCs during co-combustion of coal and biomass Hard coal combustion through chemical looping using iron spinel-based materials CLC a potential pathway to a net carbon dioxide neutrality applying ferrites and biomass