Philipp Mohn | Technical University of Darmstadt | Exploring the Scalability of Chemical-Looping Combustion for Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Applications through Pilot Testing at 150 kWth and 1 MWth Scale
Christopher Muhich | Arizona State University | Accelerating the Extraction of Materials Thermodynamics for Chemical Looping by a Bayesian Approach
Luke Neal | NC St. Univeristy | Molten Salt Promoters for Chemical Looping Oxidative Dehydrogenation
Nasrin Nemati | Chalmers University of Technology | Chemical-looping combustion in packed-fluidized bed reactor: Experimental and modeling investigation into the effect of random metal packings
Bihter Padak | University of California Irvine | Effect of Sulfur Dioxide on the Reactivity of Cu-Mn Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling Effect of Nitrogen Oxide on the Reactivity of Cu-Mn Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling
Theodoros Papalas | University of Cambridge | |
Isabel Cristina Pazmino Mayorga | University of Manchester | Hydrogen Production Via Chemical Looping: Modelling, Design and Techno-Economic Analysis
Victor Purnomo | Chalmers University of Technology | Physical properties of oxygen carriers at high reduction degrees
Rafal Rajczyk | Czestochowa University of Technology | Novel design of fuel reactor for chemical looping combustion
Mohammad Saghafifar | University of Cambridge | A comparative analysis of different thermochemical electricity storage systems
Fabrizio Scala | Università di Napoli Federico II | Chemical looping sorption-enhanced CO2 methanation using zeolites in a lab-scale interconnected fluidized bed system Evaluation of the performance of limestone-based sorbents for sorption-enhanced gasification in presence of steam in a lab-scale interconnected fluidized bed apparatus Chemical looping with integrated CO2 capture and methanation in fluidized bed reactors using highly performing dual function materials
Stuart Scott | University of Cambridge | Investigation of Kinetic Enhancement of Ca2Fe2O5 (C2F) by impregnating CuO, NiO, and CeO2 Chemical Looping Methane Pyrolysis and CO2 Utilisation Using Alkali Earth-Supported Fe-based Catalysts in a Fluidised Bed Reactor
Ranjani Siriwardane | U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Lab | Conversion of biomass to H2 via chemical looping: Experimental evaluation of various wood feedstocks and thermodynamic integrated process analysis
Vincenzo Spallina | The University of Manchester | High-Pressure Chemical Looping with Packed Bed Reactors: Challenges, Advances and New Process Configurations
Andrea Strazzolini | University of Udine | Reactivity of dicalcium ferrite for fuel-assisted Chemical Looping Water Splitting under pressurized conditions Enhanced oxygen carriers for chemical looping steam methane reforming prepared by physical mixing
Xinyue Su | Southeast University | Alternate cycles of CO2 storage and in-situ hydrogenation to CH4 on Ni-Na-Al2O3: Influence of preparation methods
Zhao Sun | Central South University | Lattice oxygen-induced oxidative steam reforming of methanol: A new pathway for low-temperature hydrogen generation
Zhenkun Sun | Southeast University | Chemical looping methane reforming using ilmenite as both catalyst and oxygen carrier
Robert Symonds | Natural Resources Canada | Pressurized Chemical Looping – Steam Methane Reforming for Thermal H2 Production
Preston Tan | Nanyang Technological University | Calcium looping for post-combustion CO2 capture from from waste-to-energy plants using sorbents derived from incineration ashes