Novel design of fuel reactor for chemical looping combustion

The paper presents an innovative idea of a compact fluidized bed fuel reactor with an internally integrated solid particle separator, used for the chemical looping combustion of solid fuels. The concept is patent-protected. The prototype has the shape of a cuboid. In the central part of the reactor - the combustion zone, there are vertical deflectors that force a labyrinthine flow of bed material. In the upper part of the reactor - the flue gas outlet zone, an inertial separator is installed, which is an integral element of the fuel reactor. These zones are separated by a partition, which also serves as a chute for the separated solids from the flue gases – unburned char and oxygen carriers escaping from the fluidized bed, which are thus returned to the reaction zone. On the other hand, the applied recirculation of part of the flue gas enables the control of the gas flow velocity in the separator, which affects the efficiency of solid particle separation from the flue gases. The proposed idea thus allows the elimination of an external carbon stripper, which reduces the capital costs of the entire system, simplifies its operation, and saves space for its construction.

Location Name
Max Bell 251
Full Address
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity
107 Tunnel Mountain Dr
Banff AB T1L 1H5
Session Type
Abstract ID