Felix Donat | ETH Zurich | Controlling selectivity in the chemical looping oxidative dehydrogenation of propane through interface engineering
Christopher de Leeuwe | University of Manchester | RECYCLE: REthinking low Carbon Hydrogen production by Chemcial Looping Reforming Combining Ni and Fe to lower the cost and environmental impact of Chemical Looping Reforming of CH4
Margarita de las Obras Loscertales | Instituto de Carboquímica (ICB-CSIC) | Sorption Enhanced Chemical Looping Reforming (SE-CLR) of Methane for Hydrogen Production
Sanaz Daneshmandjahromi | University of Calgary | Preparation of novel copper oxide oxygen carriers supported by Zr-shelled γ-alumina for methane chemical looping combustion
Tomasz Czakiert | Czestochowa University of Technology - PL 5730111401 | Polish-Chinese joint research project on chemical looping combustion – a perspective collaboration
Xi Chen | Huazhong University of Science and Technology | A two-step joint design method of the pilot-scale parallel packed bed reactors for chemical looping combustion Engineering and numerical design of the 5MWth dual circulating fluidized bed reactor for iG-CLC process
Scott Champagne | Natural Resources Canada | Pressurized chemical looping development program at CanmetENERGY-Ottawa
Runxia Cai | North Carolina State University | High-throughput design of complex oxides as isothermal, redox-activated CO2 sorbents for green hydrogen generation Chemical Looping Air Separation with Sr0.8Ca0.2Fe0.9Co0.1O3-δ Perovskite Sorbent: Packed Bed Modeling, Verification, and Optimization
Jianjun Cai | Guilin University of Electronic Technology | |
Arturo Cabello | Instituto Carboquímica (ICB-CSIC) | Development of oxygen carriers and proof-of-concept for CO2SPLIT process
Lukas Buelens | Ghent University | Upscaling an Fe-based oxygen carrier from lab to pilot
Nicole Bond | Natural Resources Canada, CanmetENERGY-Ottawa | Design and fabrication challenges for a 600 kWth pressurized chemical looping reactor
Antônio Bezerra | SENAI Innovation Institute for Renewable Energies | |
Kevser Hilal Bektas | NC State University | Structural and Thermodynamic Assessment of Ba and Ba/Mg Substituted SrFeO3-δ for “Low-Temperature” Chemical Looping Air Separation Accelerated perovskite oxide development for thermochemical energy storage by a high-throughput combinatorial approach
Ismaeel Ali | University of Manchester | 2-Dimensional Experimental and Modelling Temperature Mapping for Oxidation and Reduction Cycles in Packed Bed Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR) for Low Carbon Hydrogen Production
Amanda Alain | Natural Resources Canada, CanmetENERGY-Ottawa | Modelling of an intensified heat exchange reactor for flue gas polishing in a 600 kWth pressurized chemical looping pilot plant
Adnan Akhtar | University of Southampton | Synthesis of novel bi-metallic doped LaNiO3 as an advanced hybrid oxygen carrier-sorbent for chemical looping carbon capture applications
Ramesh Agarwal | Washington University in St. Louis | Investigation of force network characteristics in a moving bed CLC air reactor using the discrete element method
Iñaki Adanez-Rubio | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) | Use of high entropy oxides as oxygen carrier for Chemical Looping processes
Abu Farhan Bin Abu Kasim | University of Cambridge | Orchestrating propagation of heat and reaction fronts in a packed bed of SrFeO3-δ for energy storage applications