Please note:  Not all co-authors may be linked to their sessions on this page. A complete list will be available in the event app.

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Emma Wegener
M.Sc. Student
University of Waterloo

Lelia Weiland
Lelia Weiland
Graduate Student
University of Calgary

Cherie Westbrook
University of Saskatchewan

Colin Whitfield
University of Saskatchewan

Paul Whitfield
Senior Research Fellow
Center for Hydrology, University of Saskatchewan

Dayal Wijayarathne
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Calgary

Rulan Xiao
University of Northern British Columbia

Frank Yamoah
Frank Yamoah
Geoscience Specialist
Barr Engineering and Envirionmental Science Canada

Aida Zeighami
Ph.D. Candidate
Dalhousie University

Wenqiang Zhang
McGill University

Yinsuo Zhang
Physical Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada