This session is open to all aspects of geodesy and geodynamic that are not covered by other sessions. This includes innovations in reference systems, gravity field and geoid modelling, positioning, navigation, and timing through a range of ground and space geodetic techniques including but not limited to gravimetry, GNSS and inertial positioning, as well as combinations of geodetic observations and applications of geodetic measurements. Investigations into interpretation and application of the geodetic signal as a tool for understanding Earth’s rotation and polar motion; precise orbit determination; and analysis or prediction of ocean, atmosphere, and internal processes of the Earth; or geodynamic processes and deformation at various scales; are also encouraged. Submissions dealing with practical applications of geodetic techniques in engineering or navigation are within the scope of this session.
10:00 - 10:30: Geodetic Renaissance: New Principles and New Conceptions
Presenter(s): Spiros Pagiatakis, Professor, York University
10:30 - 10:45: GNSS-derived ZTD trends for climate
Presenter(s): Marcelo Santos, Professor, University of New Brunswick, Kyriakos Balidakis, Jordan Rees, Anna Klos, Rosa Pacione, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, e-Geos/ASI/ Centro di Geodesia Spazi
10:45 - 11:00: Preliminary Results of the gPhoneX Relative Gravimeter at the Canadian Absolute Gravity Site (CAGS)
Presenter(s): Mahmoud Abd El-Gelil, Canadian Geodetic Survey, Natural Resource Canada, Government of Canada, John Crowley, Bianca D'Aoust and Marc Véronneau, Canadian Geodetic Survey, Natural Resource Canada, Government of Canada
11:00 - 11:15: Application of the matched filter method for the calibration of the accelerometer measurements in LEO missions
Presenter(s): Myrto Tzamali, PhD student, York University, Spiros Pagiatakis, Affiliation: Professor at the Earth and Space Science Department, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Toronto
11:15 - 11:30: Uncertainties of Recent Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in North America
Presenter(s): Ismael Foroughi, Geodetic Engineer, Natural Resources Canada, Marc Véronneau, Jianliang Huang, Mahmoud Abd El-Gelil