H6. Advances in Modelling and Management of Transboundary Waters

Transboundary river basins are typically characterized by differing interests between jurisdictions and sometimes by conflicting transboundary water demands. Infrastructure development and climate change can challenge the resilience of historical agreements that are often a product of their provenance. This session welcomes presentations that contribute to a better understanding of the nature of transboundary water challenges, and the changing dimensions of approaches towards regional and national cooperation. Presentations on successful water sharing management systems, new advances (technological, management, and policy) in transboundary waters cooperation, the role of indigenous and local communities in transboundary water governance, and implications of extreme events, such as flood and drought on transboundary water management are particularly welcomed. Similarly, assessment of future hydrological conditions and adaption strategies in a transboundary context, including resiliency of transboundary agreements under a changing environment, and advances in data, models and decision support tools are also of interest.