B4. Biogeochemistry in the limnos
This session will highlight research contributions falling within the broad discipline of aquatic biogeochemistry. We invite contributions from limnologists who work on questions of biogeochemistry, and biogeochemists who work in aquatic systems, but aren’t quite ready to self-identify as limnologists. We are especially interested in work that investigates the transport, storage, and transformation of carbon, macro and micro-nutrients, and pollutants in aquatic systems, from tropical regions to polar environments. Studies examining water quality dynamics, nutrient cycling, contaminant behaviour or greenhouse gas exchanges in streams, wetland, lakes or reservoirs are welcomed. Field and model-based analyses ranging from fine-scale mechanisms to landscape-scale patterns and processes are all within scope. We also encourage synthesis of results within a wider context of aquatic environments and human health, climate and land-use change impacts, or aquatic ecosystem dynamics and recovery following disturbances.