B3. biogEosCiences peRspectives
This session will feature a diversity of research investigating ecosystem processes from a biogeosciences perspective. Presentations that demonstrate progress towards improved understanding of biogeochemical processes and patterns, and/or advances in models are all welcomed, especially submissions from early career researchers (ECRs). In particular, we encourage presentations that seek to quantify biogeochemical functions of natural or managed environments; characterize measurement and modelling uncertainty in complex and heterogeneous landscapes; scale water/nutrient/element/sediment exchange processes; quantify the impacts of climate and land-use change on water/nutrient/element/sediment fluxes across ecosystems; or identify and evaluate the effects of drought and other extreme weather phenomena on biogeochemical properties. Studies at local to landscape scales, with a focus on atmospheric, terrestrial, or aquatic systems will all be considered. Please identify ECR presenters in abstracts as we will set aside speaking time specifically for ECRs.