G3. Quantum technology for Geodesy and Geophysics
Quantum technology impacts geodesy and geophysics in at least three major ways, quantum gravimetry in space and on ground, laser interferometry for gravity field missions, and relativistic geodesy with clocks. This session is open to contributions, either theoretical, instrumentation development or practical applications, of quantum technology in geodesy and geophysics. It is open to orals and posters related to the topic, including, but not just exclusive to, atom interferometry for gravimetry on ground and in space, laser-interferometric ranging, frequency comparisons of highly precise optical clocks, the use of by optical links to access differences in gravity potential over long distances, relativistic geodesy with clocks, and applications to defining and realizing height systems, locally as well as globally, next generation gradiometry, tracking a swarm of satellites, improvements in the accuracy of the International Atomic Time standard TAI, and the possible use of high-performance clock networks to support GNSS and other space missions.