B4. Changing landscapes: the biogeochemical response of ecosystems in the Anthropocene
Landscape changes caused either directly or indirectly by human activities are a hallmark of the Anthropocene. Deforestation, industrial development, urbanization, agricultural intensification, wildfires, cryospheric change, and northern tree line advancement are all examples that impact biogeochemical processes at multiple timescales. We invite research contributions focusing on detecting, quantifying, and mitigating landscape change and/or understanding their direct or indirect biogeochemical impacts on ecosystems through measurement, modelling or meta-analysis. This interdisciplinary session is open to a broad interpretation of ‘biogeochemical impacts’ including (but not limited to) changing water quality regimes, greenhouse gas dynamics, contaminant cycling and ‘nature-based climate solutions’. We also welcome studies that focus primarily on quantifying landscape change using novel techniques - from in situ sensors to satellite remote sensing - that can help model biogeochemical impacts at local, regional or global scales.