Full Name
Meghan Donovan
Talita, Sweden
Speaker Bio
Meghan Donevan is the research director at Talita, an organization offering a holistic exit program for individuals exploited in prostitution, pornography and human trafficking for sexualized exploitation. Her 10 years’ experience working directly with survivors of sexualized exploitation inform her research, advocacy and prevention efforts. Meghan is the founder of Talita's violence prevention initiative Reality Check, a comprehensive educational toolkit that equips professionals working with youth to address pornography and its harms. Meghan is also an affiliated researcher at Marie Cederschiöld University and has published research on the impact of pornography consumption on young people and women’s experiences in pornography production. Meghan’s research and advocacy have served as tools to educate the broader public and place the issue of pornography on the political agenda.
Meghan Donovan