Carbon dioxide emissions during the combustion of fossil fuels are one of the main factors exacerbating global warming. It is imperative to develop clean and efficient renewable energy and CO2 emission reduction technologies. Biomass is a zero-carbon fuel. Dual fluidized bed calcium looping biomass gasification technology can produce hydrogen-rich syngas while achieving CO2 separation and capture, which has excellent application prospects. This research used the compact fluidized bed as the gasifier and the fast fluidized bed as the regenerator to carry out a dual fluidized bed calcium looping biomass gasification experiment. The effects of variables such as temperature, bed material, and solid circulating flux on product gas compositions, yield, tar content and cold gas efficiency were investigated on a 10 kWth hot rig of dual fluidized bed. Achieving H2 purity of 70.88%, the cold gas efficiency is 45.93%, and the low calorific value is 13.26 MJ/Nm3. The high temperature of the upper riser favors tar conversion. When the riser temperature was 800 ℃, the tar content decreased by 4.46 g/Nm3, and the total gas production increased by 0.03 Nm3/kgFuel. In addition, the increase of solid circulating flux can improve the concentration and the yield of hydrogen, and decrease the content of tar. On this basis, a 1 MWth compact-fast dual fluidized bed pressurized autothermal pilot reactor was further built and successfully achieved continuous and stable operation.
107 Tunnel Mountain Dr
Banff AB T1L 1H5