Sorption enhanced steam reforming of methanol for low temperature hydrogen production based on magnesium chemical looping cycle

Methanol is an ideal liquid carrier of hydrogen energy, which has the advantages of high H/C molar ratio, low reforming temperature, high hydrogen storage and easy transportation. Sorption-enhanced steam reforming of methanol can achieve in-situ preparation of high concentration hydrogen, and solve the problems of hydrogen preparation, storage and transportation in an integrated way. However, the process faces problems of low reactivity and easy sintering agglomeration. In this study, a series of Cu-MgO-ZrO2 bifocal catalytic adsorbents with different Zr doping amount are prepared. The effects of different Zr doping amount on the physicochemical properties and surface morphology of the adsorbents are studied. The results show that the doping of additive Zr can improve the specific surface area and pore volume of the material, promoting the uniform dispersion of the active phase Cu and MgO adsorbents. The methanol conversion rate is up to 100% and the hydrogen selectivity is close to 100% at 180℃. The CO2 absorption and desorption characteristics of the catalytic adsorbent were investigated by TGA experiment. 15ZrCuMg catalytic adsorbent has stronger surface alkaline, better pore size characteristics, and the best adsorption performance (45.25 mg CO2/g MgO). It can complete CO2 desorption at 360℃, and shows better stability in 20 cycles of CO2 sorption-desorption experiments. This study provides a new idea for the design of catalytic adsorbent materials and the efficient conversion of methanol to hydrogen production.

Location Name
Max Bell 251
Full Address
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity
107 Tunnel Mountain Dr
Banff AB T1L 1H5
Session Type
Abstract ID