Effect of Iron-rich sludge ash companying on the Fe/Al composed oxygen carrier in the sludge gasification process
Date & Time
Monday, September 30, 2024, 4:10 PM - 4:30 PM

Polyiron and polyaluminum iron are the popular flocculant used in the waste water treatment and settled into sludge with the organic matter. So the sludge ash is rich of iron oxides, about 20 wt%. During the sludge is gasified in the fluidized bed under the Fe/Al composed oxygen carrier (Fe/Al OC), the hydrogen in the prepared gas could be more than 40 vol.% in some Fe/Al OC redox cycles and the OC could be kept its performance for more than 20 cycles without damping. When the Fe/Al OC was taken out samples at 5, 10, 15 and 20 cycles to test its SEM-EDS to judge the Fe phase distribution, the Fe phase stability in OC could be analyzed. Compared with the redox cycles in TG and its responding SEM-EDS, the companying iron-rich sludge ash has the ability to carry oxygen to assist the Fe/Al OC and balance the lattice oxygen transferring rate of Fe/Al OC in the redox cycles, and the effect of sludge ash particles on Fe/Al OC could be kept at least 3 cycles and refreshed after separation by the produced fresh sludge ash. Though the Fe transfer capacity of Fe/Al OC in the redox cycles is only about 4 wt%, the sludge ash devotes another 1 wt%, the steady Fe phase is of no enrichment to the surface and no sintering and escaping in the 20 redox cycles.

Location Name
Max Bell 252
Full Address
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity
107 Tunnel Mountain Dr
Banff AB T1L 1H5
Session Type
Oral Presentation
Abstract ID